Thin mass, soft vocal fold closure, smooth vocal onsets, voice without pressure

Name: Sliding tones
Exercise Objective: Stretch and flex the vocal folds; promote thin mass
Exercise Setup: It’s best to just listen to it right away: You hear a slidingtone = a sound that goes up and down. This comes two times and then goes up a semitone.
Range: G-G

Here’s how:
1st round: Make the slidingtone into your tube. Here, keep looking for the appropriate depth of the tube at which it feels easy and appropriate for the pitch and practice.
Get in where it fits and get out where it gets too high.
This way you can do both rounds. Or:

2nd round: Take the tube out of your mouth and make the sliding tone on ju, jü or ji / u, ü, i
The j helps you to produce a smooth vocal onset.
If it gets tiring, breathy or tight, laxvox again.
Jump in where it fits and get out where it gets too high.

Movement idea: You can do this exercise wonderfully while walking, or if you feel more like relaxing, also comfortably on the sofa. In both cases, make sure you don’t build up too much tension in the cheeks, jaw, and tongue in the higher range. Therefore move the tongue around in the mouth and chew; move the neck and shoulders.

Name: Swell tones
Exercise goal: Improve the flexibility of the voice; improve control over the vocal fold tension
from soft to loud to soft = change in tension from thin to thick mass and back again
Exercise Setup: It’s best to just listen to it right away: You hear a sound that starts softly, swells (gets louder), and swells again (gets quieter). Then this swell tone repeats and the next one is a semitone higher.

Here’s how:
Round 1: Make the swell tone into the LAX VOX® tube and play with the tube depth: use mark 1-2 for the quiet spots and mark 3-4 for the loud spots. That’s not a good fit for you? Then find out which depths support you best.
Repeat this. Or:

2nd round: Now take the tube out of your mouth and make the swell sound u – a – u. The a may be significantly louder than the u, but without pressing to it.

Movement idea: Imagine hugging a balloon that is first small, then gets big (spread your arms) and shrinks again. Use your body to also feel the sound change in a whole-body way.

Name: Voice Circles
Exercise goal: Maintain thin mass and vocal fold closure over the entire vocal range; starting in the high register.
Range: D-D-D 3 otcaves
Exercise Setup: It’s best to just listen to it right away: You’ll hear a melody consisting of three notes repeated twice.

Here’s how:
1st round: Make the melody on u into the tube. Here, keep looking for the appropriate tube depth at which it feels easy and appropriate for the pitch and practice.
Get in where it fits best and get out where it gets too high.
Repeat. Or:

2nd round: Now take the tube out of your mouth and make the melodie on u, ü or i. You don’t want to hear air on the voice. Therefore, do not make the vowels too loud. More like you want to keep them to yourself.
If it gets tiring, breathy or tight, laxvox again.
Get in where it fits best and get out where it gets too deep for you.

Movement idea: You are welcome to sway to the music. Anything that supports the moving feeling of the exercise.

Name: Voice Spirales
Exercise goal: Maintain thin mass and vocal fold closure over the entire vocal range; starting in the high register.
Range: F-F-F 4 octaves
Exercise Setup: It’s best to just listen to it right away: You’ll hear a melody consisting of three notes that slowly gets lower and lower.

Here’s how:
1st round: Make the melody on u into the tube. Here, keep looking for the appropriate tube depth at which it feels easy and appropriate for the pitch and practice.
Get in where it fits best and get out where it gets too high.
Repeat. Or:

2nd round: Now take the tube out of your mouth and make the melodie on u, ü or i. You don’t want to hear air on the voice. Therefore, do not make the vowels too loud. More like you want to keep them to yourself.
If it gets tiring, breathy or tight, laxvox again.
Get in where it fits and get out where it gets too deep for you.

3rd variation: You can do this exercise as a gliding tone or also as short tones.

Movement idea: You are welcome to sway to the music. Anything that supports the moving feeling of the exercise.

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